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Military Branches of the United States

Military Branches of the United States, listed in order of precedence (oldest branch first)

United States Army - The largest and oldest service in the U.S. military, the Army provides the ground forces that protect the United States. For students interested in serving in the Army, you can find more information on the following website, including finding a local recruiter.

United States Marine Corps - A component of the Department of the Navy, the Marine Corps maintain amphibious and ground units for contigency and combat operations. For students interested in serving in the Marines, you can find more information on the website, including finding a local recruiter.

United States Navy - On, above and below the water, the Navy is America's forwar-deployed force and is a major deterrent to aggression around the world. For students interested in serving in the Navy, you can find more information on the website, including finding a local recruiter.

United States Air Force - Provides a rapid, flexible, and lethal air and space capability that can deliver forces anywhere in the world within hours. For students interested in serving in the Air Force, you can find more information on the website, including finding a local recruiter.

United States Space Force - Organized, trained, and equiped forces in order to protect U.S. and allied interest in space and to provide space capabilities to the joint forces. For students interested in serving in the Space Force, you can find more information on the website, including finding a local recruiter.

United States Coast Guard - Provides law and maritime safety enforcement, marine and environment protection and military naval support. The Coast Guard falls under the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) during peactime; during a time of war, the Coast Guard falls under the Department of the Navy. For students interested in serving in the Coast Guard can find more information on the website, including finding a local recruiter.

National Guard - Comprised of the Army Natioanl Guard and Air Natioanl Guard. The National Guard is a versitle force, supporting combat missions, domestic emergencies, humanitarian efforts, homeland security operations and more. For students interested in serving in the National Guard can find more information on the website, including finding a local recruiter.