AP Exam Practice Site
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Helpful Information about the AP Exam
The most important practice sources for success on the AP Exam:
- Radio Naciones Unidas
- BBC Mundo
- Banco Mundial
- Radio Televisión Española20 Minutos
- Ciencias.es
- Cienciaes.com
- Noticias de la ciencia
- Ivoox- Library of Podcasts
- E-Radio- Library of Radio Programs
Excellent sources to explore culture:
- Arte Historia
- Protocolo
For practicing listening and reading:
- Audiria
- Notes in Spanish- Podcasts made specifically for those trying to learn the language
- Spanish Listening
- Radioteca
- Las voces de las mujeres de Xelajú
- Univ. of Texas at Austin- Spanish Proficiency Exercises
- News in Slow Spanish
- Prensa Escrita- A list of every link to every Spanish-speaking newspaper in the world. Great place to find reading practice, videos, and to encounter culture first hand. Recommended newspapers are many but a few of them are ABC (Spain), El País (Spain), and the Listín Diario (Dominican Republic).
To increase academic vocabulary and polish grammar skills:
- Quizlet
- Word Reference- The only digital Spanish/English dictionary approved for use in and outside of class. Word Reference also has an app that students should download. Students at this level should only be using the monolingual, Spanish to Spanish, dictionary.
- Spanish Rhyming Dictionary
- Spanish Language and Culture by Barbara Kuczun Nelson from Colby College, Maine- The very best place to practice everything (reading, listening, writing, and even speaking).
- Spanish Grammar Online by Enrique Yepes from Bowdoin College, Maine- Numerous links with exercises to resources for students to prefect their grammar skills.
- Conjuguemos- A great resource for practicing verb conjugations and reading/listening practice. Each year this site gets better and better.