Matthew Pullen
Coach Pullen
East View
Phone: 943-5000 x.8194
My Education & Teaching Background
Welcome to the 2020-2021 School Year! I am starting my 20th year overall and 19th in GISD. I graduated from Taylor High School and The University of Mary-Hardin Baylor.
Class/Course Information (optional)
During remote learning Health will be on Friday's from 9:00-10:00 AM. If you need instuctions or have questions send me an email during this time. My email is
We have a google classroom for Health. The code to join is 3cr7ztg
I will be happy to set up a google meet if you need help.
Health 3A 11:05-1:35
Health 4A 1:40 - 3:00
Health 7B 1:40 - 3:00
Baseball 8 A/B